Thanagar | DC Database | Fandom
Thanagar is the homeworld of the hawk-like Thanagarians and known for its mineral deposit of Nth Metal. Although the planet is predominately inhabited by the Thanagarians, it is also home to several other indigenous races, such as the Lizarkons.
Rann–Thanagar War - Wikipedia
Rann-Thanagar War, along with Villains United, The OMAC Project, and Day of Vengeance, is one of four miniseries which lead up to DC Comics' Infinite Crisis event. Unlike most of the other tie-ins, it is also a continuation of storylines from two other series: Adam Strange: Planet Heist and Green Lantern: Rebirth .
Thanagar - DC Universe Online Wiki
Thanagar is an expansionist civilization that plunders other worlds and revels in the experience of combat. In orbit around the star Polaris, the planet is the home planet of the Thanagarian Hawk-people who are noted for their affinity for violence and hawk-motifs.
Thanagar - DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Thanagar was the home world of the winged Thanagarian species, which, at some point, was conquered by the Gordanian race. Thanagar began in ancient times as a hard world with a primitive and savage culture.
Thanagar - DC Extended Universe Wiki
In DC Comics, Thanagar was the home planet of Katar Hol and Shayera Hol, Thanagarian warriors who traveled to Earth and were reincarnated throughout the centuries, known in modern times as Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
Thanagarian | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
A Thanagarian was a member of the native race of the planet Thanagar. A warlike people, they were recognizable by a pair of large, feathered, flight-capable wings on their backs, but were otherwise indistinguishable from humans.
Hawkman (Katar Hol) - Wikipedia
Katar Hol was the imperial prince of his home planet of Thanagar. His father was Paran Katar, renowned ornithologist and inventor. When Katar Hol was eighteen, an alien race called the Manhawks invaded Thanagar and began looting the planet. Paran sent young Katar Hol to infiltrate their nest and bring back information on the aliens.
Thanagarian invasion | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
After Batman found out their real plans, Hro Talak, the Thangarian commander, was forced to put the Earth and its defenses and communications offline while they built the supposed shield to protect the Earth. The invading forces also declared martial law and deprived people of …
Thanagarians | DC Database | Fandom
The Thanagarians, also known as the Hawkmen or Wingmen of Thanagar, are the dominent humanoid species of the planet Thanagar.
Thanagar (Location) - Comic Vine
Thanagar, located in orbit around the star Polaris, is the original home of the Thanagarian race, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and the Nth metal.