Trench Hammer. WW1 fighting on the cheap - Wargame Vault
2018年11月29日 · Trench Hammer is aimed at letting you play out a fun, exciting world war 1 scenario in a simple evening without being bogged down by overly complicated mechanics. Using the game engine from my popular Squad Hammer rules the game is easy to learn and teach and players can quickly command up to a company each.
Trench Hammer: A Mini Miniatures Game for WW1
Everything you need to play low-level infantry battles in under 40 pages. This includes options, advanced rules and just enough chrome to wet the appetite. Playable both with individually based figures and figures organized in troop stands. You can get into a new war gaming period without buying a ton of miniatures.
Trench Hammer: A Solo AAR and Review
2018年10月10日 · Trench Hammer is an IGOUGO game, with each side rolling 2D6 for their command points. Experienced troops (such as the British here) choose the higher of the dice, inexperienced troops (such as the German class of '18 here) use the lowest of the two scores.
Trench Hammer a SOlo AAR and Review - The Wargames Website
2018年10月10日 · Here’s a solo AAR and review of Nordic Weasel’s Trench Hammer rules for small unit actions of the First World War. Has anyone else played them and what did you think? I have a copy of the rules but have not yet played them. I posted a thread about them a while back and Joise Tinman (sp) has them as well. Cheers KB, I must have missed your thread.
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World War One | Rules Sets | PDF - Wargame Vault
The War to end all wars didn't end war... but with Trench Hammer you'll be able to play a game to completion in one sitting! Trench Hammer is aimed at letting you play out a fun, exciting world war 1 scenario in a simple evening without being bogged down by overly complicated mechanics.
First 10mm WW1 platoons ready for Trench Hammer
2018年1月22日 · Recently, I was privileged to be able to collaborate with Ivan from Nordic Weasel Games on a tactical set of rules for the Great War called Trench Hammer, available here at Wargames Vault. It is aimed at games roughly the size of T hrough the Mud and the Blood from Too Fat Lardies (1-2 Platoons per side), but fast play (1 hour-ish) in the ...
Trench Hammer. WW1 fighting on the cheap - Nordic Weasel Games | Hammer ...
The War to end all wars didn't end war... but with Trench Hammer you'll be able to play a game to completion in one sitt
Jozi's Tin Man: Trench Hammer Game Mechanic Demo - Blogger
2018年1月28日 · Trench Hammer is an I Go / You Go system, with the active player rolling 2d6 and (usually) picking the higher. This is the number of squads he can activate. The German player uses 2 of his activations to have his MG08/15 squads move …
The Stronghold Rebuilt: Back To Trench Hammer - Blogger
2020年1月21日 · It has 14 historical actions in it, all designed for their Mud and Blood rules, but easily translated to Trench Hammer. There are also six scenarios based on contemporary training exercises, four from Allied manuals and two from German.