How can I estimate cooking time for a brined and roasted turkey?
Cooking times for other sizes of turkey: 8-10 lb (3.5-4.5 kg) – 30 minutes at the high temperature, then 2½-3 hours at the lower temperature, then a final 30 minutes (uncovered) at gas mark 6, 400°F (200°C).
Spatchcocked turkey cooking time - Seasoned Advice
2014年11月24日 · Tip: Time is just a reference - the temperature of the meat is what tells you it's done. Good luck! (I had the ?pleasure? of helping joint 20 turkey's last Sunday - Cooked the limbs on the flattop until crispy then into the oven until tender... the breasts were all roasted then frozen for future use. I've had enough turkey for a while.
What is the roasting time per pound for a spatchcock turkey …
2019年11月10日 · Yes, it will cook faster than a whole turkey. But as some have already said in comments, cooking time "by the pound" is very inaccurate, since cooking time is based on the time it takes heat to penetrate, which will vary depending on shape, volume, location of bones, etc. Weight is not the most relevant measurement.
How many minutes in the oven per pound: stuffed turkey
2014年11月27日 · The "X minutes per pound" rules generally don't work very well, because cooking time does not increase linearly with size of bird. As Jolenealaska said, use a thermometer. Don't rely on things like "X minutes per pound" rules or on color of the flesh or on the color of the juices -- all of these can be inaccurate, and they will not tell you ...
food safety - how long to cook a turkey per pound - Seasoned …
2010年11月25日 · I have already brined the turkey (if you haven't and have some time, soak the turkey in salty water, 1 Cup/gallon of water for 3-4 hours) but that isn't what makes it zip by. Crank the oven to 400. Put the turkey in a roasting pan on a V rack, back and legs up (it looks upside down, from all the perfect pictures on magazine covers).
How long to cook stuffed turkey - Seasoned Advice
2013年11月28日 · Turkey is done when the internal temperature reaches 160° F. That's the temperature required to kill the bad stuff; so any cooking for any longer just dries out your turkey unnecessarily. However, getting to this temperature varies depending on a lot of factors like your oven, the turkey's construction, and the exact phase of the moon.
thanksgiving - How long do you let a turkey rest after cooking ...
2012年12月18日 · My reason for choosing that amount of time is: that's how long veggies need to roast in the oven. Once upon a time I used to rest it for 30 min, meaning I needed to at least start roasting the veg while the turkey was still in the oven, and the whole thing was insanely stressful. Now I prep the veggies but put them dry on baking sheets.
Time estimate for reaching 155F for baking 9lb Turkey breast?
2016年11月23日 · I have a 9lb turkey breast to bake. I've learned that I want the internal temp to register between 155-165 on an instant-read thermometer inserted into the deepest part of the breast when it's done...
Turkey Breast cooking unevenly - Seasoned Advice
2024年12月2日 · However probing closer to the surface of the turkey, I was getting measurements around 175F. The turkey breast did not taste that moist to me and it's likely because most of the breast was overcooked. Is the large temperature difference normal when cooking turkey or did I do something wrong? Would improper defrost lead to a 23F temperature ...
Roasting multiple turkeys (cooking time estimation)
2014年11月20日 · I am trying to get a clear answer on cooking 2-15 lbs birds in different pans/same oven. what would the cooking time, same 20 min per lb on 325 degrees? for convection oven? dae Nov. 27, 2013 12:43 pm @Tuxman: Each bird cooks separately. So it is like cooking one 15 lb bird. Start at same time.