what does ∇ (upside down triangle) symbol mean in this problem
what does ∇ (upside down triangle) symbol mean in this problem. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 4 months ago.
I want to print inverted delta in LaTex - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2021年8月2日 · Inverted delta for representing gradient how to do that? i didnt find a command I know to print using \delta but cant represent gradient.
What does the symbol nabla indicate? - Mathematics Stack …
2018年3月27日 · Strictly speaking, nabla is the name of the typographical glyph, the upside down triangle: just a symbol on paper, meaning whatever the author intends it to mean. The name comes from the glyph's resemblance to an old fashioned harp.
how to insert an upside-down triangle? - LaTeX Stack Exchange
2016年3月28日 · then a package is missing, which provides the symbol. For example, package amssymb provides the symbol: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} $\triangledown$ \end{document} If you want to have the nabla symbol, then this symbol is available without additional packages:
Inverted Delta - What does an inverted delta on a print represent?
2007年11月23日 · Unique symbols identifying safety and regulatory characteristics on components designed by other companies (e.g. Mazda) are equivalent to the inverted delta ( ∇ ) symbol. Examples are the Mazda "A" and "AR" symbols or special fastener base part numbers beginning with "W9" which are to be treated as inverted delta.
How to insert upright delta symbol in LaTeX? - TeX - TeX - LaTeX …
2022年6月17日 · Interestingly, if one of these font packages is loaded, the \ce macro will automatically use the upright greek letter -- here, \updelta-- while evaluating the expression \ce{\delta^18O}. I suppose that the slight gap after the upright lowercase-delta symbol helps clarify that we're not dealing "delta raised to the 18th power".
what does this inversed triangle stand for? [duplicate]
2016年9月3日 · It is called nabla, which is the name of the symbol but not it's meaning.. In Calculus, you can find it (alone) as an operator meaning "denotes the vector of partial derivatives":
linear algebra - what does the triangle in PDE notation mean ...
2016年7月9日 · $\begingroup$ ok I understand that this represent a sum of partial derivatives in respect to all coordinates $$\Delta f= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_i^2}$$ in the further example (p.9 example 2) the Poisson equation is presented as $$-\Delta u = f(u)$$ where does this minus come from then? $\endgroup$
How to insert vertical cut in delta symbol? - TeX
2016年6月24日 · 234B ⍋ Apl Functional Symbol Delta Stile Since it is an APL character, you can try the package APL from CTAN (it looks like a plain TeX package, but once you have the character, you can adapt it to use with LaTeX as well). Alternatively, you can try to insert it directly from UNicode (given a UNicode font that supports this symbol).
Contradiction symbol "upside-down T" - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Contradiction symbol "upside-down T" [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 8 months ago.