Wilds Lodge
Wilds Lodge School is an independent, therapeutic 38 week specialist boarding and day provision for boys and girls (girls are accepted as day students only) primarily with social, emotional and mental health needs aged between 5 and 19.
Contact Us — Wilds Lodge
Wilds Lodge. Wilds Lodge School, Stamford Road, Empingham, Rutland, LE15 8QQ. Phone: 01780 767254 Email: [email protected]
Admissions Welcome — Wilds Lodge
Wilds Lodge School is an independent 38 week specialist boarding and day provision for boys and girls (girls are accepted as day students only) with social, emotional and mental health needs aged between 5 and 19.
The Lodge — Wilds Lodge
The Lodge. The Lodge opened in April 2007. The original farmhouse was extended during the 1980s. This new building resulted in a luxurious country residence constructed in the attractive local limestone. We have converted this to provide ample living accommodation for our Key Stage 2 & 3 pupils with a ‘homely’ feel.
Autism - Wilds Lodge
Wilds Lodge School was reviewed by the Autism Accreditation in 2016. The following quotes are from their report.
School Closures — Wilds Lodge
School Closures. Updated: November 2024. In the event of significant snow, parents of day learners will be notified by 7:30 AM of any school closures via Teachers2Parents. We will update this forum promptly to keep you informed. For Residential …
Extra Curricular — Wilds Lodge
Through Wilds Wood lessons we provide an individualised outdoor learning programme. In which students experiences an introduction to a range of Bushcraft, Survival skills and more, The programme supports students improving their social skills, independence and self-esteem. Encouraging students to access their learning across the school curriculum.
Our Policies - Wilds Lodge
Understanding Relationships, Sex and Health Education at your child’s secondary school: a guide for parents
Bungalow — Wilds Lodge
The Bungalow is our residential provision for Wilds Lodge’s youngest children, aged between 7 and 10 years of age. It has three permanent care staff. “ They value the care given by staff.
Therapy at Wilds Lodge — Wilds Lodge
Therapy in the School. The therapy team are a part of the school community, and work alongside the staff on therapeutic practice with the children including pupil focus groups and staff training on topics such as, trauma, bereavement and self harm.