Audiogon Discussion Forum
2017年3月21日 · I had the Yamaha A-1000 which was rated at 120 watts @ 8 ohms and went to 320 watts @ 4 ohms. I bought Infinity RS4b speakers in 1985 and I'd turn the volume dial up about 1/4 turn. The A-S3000 requires a 1/2 turn of the dial to reach the same relative volume. Although the sound quality is much better with the A-S3000!
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2017年12月24日 · Check your facts. Yamaha does provide ratings for lower impedances. The A-S3000 is rated at 150 watts/Ch RMS into 4 ohms. It's maximum dynamic power into 2 ohms is 300 watts/Ch. Even their budget-end, bipolar output integrateds are 2 ohm stable. For future reference, it's quite easy to access owner's manuals online. It's called Google.
Yamaha A-S3000 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2015年1月9日 · I've lived with the Yamaha A-S3000 for about 5 days now and can only say it is a truly special piece. I see the previous comments about the What HiFi review of the 3000 as I read the same review prior to my purchase. All I can say is their preference in musical reproduction must be very different than mine.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年3月17日 · Sonically speaking AS3000 sounds basically identical to AS2100 which is to say spectacular. A-S3000 looks better, still not as good as a Luxman. Not sure where @fjn04 is getting his idea from that any of the Yammie MOSFET amps have a bright edge. They actually sound pretty close to Pass INT-60 in my opinion.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2021年6月8日 · The Yamaha is now discontinued and was a bit of a pig at times. My friend has one and it just shuts down unexpectedly whenever it likes. That has been a major drawback of this amp and when it shuts down it has to go back to Yamaha to get reset and it has happened 5 times since he got it.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
1. Yamaha A-S3000 (black) 2. Yamaha CD-S3000 (black) 3. Yamaha 3070 AV Receiver (black) 4. Metrum Acoustics Pavane DAC or Ayre QX-5 (black) 5. ELAC Adante Floorstanding speakers AF-61 6. Auralic Aries G2 (black) And additionally 7. VPI Prime Signature Redwood Edition 8. Interconnects, Powercables - VooDoo Cables (I like their quality)
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2022年9月7日 · This is for owners of the Yamaha CD S1000, S21000 or S3000 CD players. I want to use one of these as a transport-only paired with an external DAC. Since they all seem to use the same rigid aluminum transport mechanism and laser, would there be a noticeable difference in sound quality between them?
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2014年6月16日 · If only those guys at Yamaha knew what tweakers know about getting the most out of their equipment! They were able to design an excellent integrated amp in the case of the A-S2000 but came up just short of maxing it out by overlooking the miracles achievable through the simple application of HiFiSoundGuy's latest shill able Magic Goo.
Power Rating: Onkyo vs Yamaha - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年7月22日 · Assuming you are speaking about the digital equipped Yamaha integrateds. I agree at least the upper models(701 and 801) of the A-S#01 line should have right/left preouts. The higher end line analog only(A-S1000, A-S1100, A-S2000, A-S2100, A-S3000) all do have stereo preouts. Bill
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2020年5月22日 · I would agree that they are not much difference between the A-S2100 and A-S3000 sound wise but the A-S3200 uses better high quality caps than these older amps use and better caps = better sound.. The Reviewer from Low Beats said the A-S3200 is "worth every penny" and I believe he is saying the A-S3200 is a Bargain for the money..