Yamnaya culture - Wikipedia
The Yamnaya culture[a] or the Yamna culture, [b] also known as the Pit Grave culture or Ochre Grave culture, is a late Eneolithic (Copper Age) to early Bronze Age archaeological culture concentrating in the region between the Southern Bug, Dniester, and Ural rivers (the Pontic–Caspian steppe), but extending to the Carpathian Basin in the west an...
颜那亚文化 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
颜那亚文化 (英語: Yamnaya culture 、俄语: Ямная культура)或 亚姆纳文化 (英語: Yamna culture 、 烏克蘭語: Ямна культура),又被译为 竖穴墓文化 (英語: Pit Grave culture 或 Ochre Grave culture),是一个 铜石并用时代 晚期到 青铜时代 早期的 考古学文化,分布在 南布格河 、 德涅斯特河 和 乌拉尔河 地区之间,也就是 東歐大草原 上,时间可追溯到3300-2600 BC [1]。 颜那亚 和 亚姆纳 分别音译自俄语和乌克兰语,意为“坑”,指其特有的埋葬传 …
History and genetics of the Yamna culture - Eupedia
The Yamna (Pit-Grave) culture is considered as one of the homelands of the Proto-Indo-European people. Discover how Yamnayans lived, what they looked like physically, and who they resembled genetically.
How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads Became the Fathers …
2019年6月6日 · Recent studies over the years have revealed that most central and northern Europeans, as well as some groups in central Asia, are descended from the Yamnaya. It appears that, beginning 2800-3000 BC, the Yamnaya moved out from somewhere in modern-day western Russia or the Ukraine and began to move into the plains of central Europe.
Yamnaya: The Ancient Culture that Transformed Europe
2024年5月9日 · The Yamnaya culture is recognized for pioneering a nomadic lifestyle in the hostile Eurasian steppe, moving alongside their herds and spreading both east and west. Their physical remains might be sparse, limited mainly to long …
Yamnaya Culture - HistoryMaps
2025年1月2日 · The Yamnaya culture, also known as the Pit Grave culture or the Ochre Grave culture, emerged around 3300-2600 BCE in the Pontic-Caspian steppe. This culture is primarily known for its significant role in the spread of Indo-European languages across a …
Yamnaya People: Characteristics, Culture and Migrations
The Yamnaya culture is an ancient culture that existed in present-day Ukraine and Russia between the Southern Bug, Dniester, and Ural rivers from 3300 B.C. to 2600 B.C. Regarded as the source of Indo-European languages and pioneers of wheeled vehicles, it was discovered by Vasily Gorodtsov during archaeological excavations near the Donets River ...
颜那亚人 - 百度百科
英国莱切斯特大学 (University of Leicester)学者丹尼尔·萨迪克(Daniel Zadik)在“对话”网站上介绍了一项最新研究成果,该成果表明,当今大多数欧洲人的 Y染色体 可能来自于三个生活在7000—3500年前的欧洲男性。 率先进入欧洲生活的是尼安德特人,尽管他们已经灭绝,却可在部分现代欧洲人的基因中找到蛛丝马迹。 萨迪克认为,第一个解剖学意义上的现代人类是4万年前抵达欧洲的。 他们是 旧石器时代 的 狩猎采集者,有人称其为克罗马农人(The Cro-Magnons) …
VI.1. Early Yamna culture - Indo-European
The early Volga–Ural Yamna culture is represented by some settlements, small kurgans (ca. 20–25 m in diameter), and Repin-type pottery. The classical or developed phase is represented by the “unification of the funeral ritual, round bottomed pottery, the disappearance of settlements, and the prevalence of wheeled transport” (Morgunova ...
The Yamnaya Culture and the Invention of Nomadic Pastoralism …
2023年4月29日 · One debated subject that is perhaps most relevant for understanding the outbreak of long-distance migrations is the nature of the Yamnaya pastoral economy – were they nomads? This essay addresses Yamnaya nomadism as an innovation that opened the Eurasian steppes to productive human exploitation.