E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of BC (Mobile Atlas Page)
Distribution of Procyon lotor in British Columbia. (Click on the map to view a larger version.) Source: Map courtesy of the Province of British Columbia (2008). ... Two subspecies of Raccoon are recognized in BC, although genetic studies have not yet verified their validity: 1) Procyon lotor pacificus (southern BC) and 2) Procyon lotor ...
Raccoon – WildSafeBC
Raccoon Snapshot Wild Facts Safety Conflict Reduction Resources Raccoon Snapshot Raccoons (Procyon lotor) can be found throughout Southern BC including Haida Gwaii, Vancouver Island and the Southern Interior. Raccoons are opportunistic omnivores, feeding on an extremely varied diet and continually … Read More
Larger versions of the E-Fauna maps
E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia. Distribution of Raccoon in British Columbia
E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia
E-Fauna BC is a biogeographic atlas of the wildlife species of British Columbia. It includes a significant citizen science data component. Use the search features below to access our species pages. Note that the dots on our maps represent vouchered records only. Cursor over the drop down menus below to browse the atlas pages by species group.
Biodiversity of BC: Interactive Map - University of British Columbia
Biodiversity of BC's interactive web maps allow you to explore the distribution of a species in BC. In addition to displaying distribution records for each species in BC, our Layers and Legends section allows you to make additional layers visible (e.g. biogeographic layers or plant records) or to remove layers you do not wish to see. ...
Raccoons in B.C. - BC SPCA
If a raccoon approaches you, yell, stamp your feet, clap your hands and make noise to scare the raccoon away. This may feel silly, but it is the best way to keep raccoons safe from people. Thankfully, raccoons in B.C. do not carry rabies (like those in Ontario), so this is not a risk to you or your pets. Photo credit: Christiane Cottin
Mapped Locations of Species & Ecosystems - Province of British Columbia
2023年4月12日 · BC Species & Ecosystems Explorer: View generalized locations of mapped element occurrences. Instructions: When the results of your search are displayed, click on the globe icon under "locations" Click on “Detailed Map and Report” on each location to view the mapped element occurrence in CDC iMap; CDC iMap
The BC Conservation Foundation is a not-for-profit, registered charity that has been working in BC since 1969. www.bccf.com To report wildlife in conflict contact the Conservation Officer Service at 1.877.952.7277 RACCOON SAFE British Columbia Conservation Foundation BRITISH COLUMBIA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION BRITISH COLUMBIA
RACCOON www.wildsafebc.com WildSafeBC is funded through partnerships throughout BC. Core funding is made possible through the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. To report wildlife in conflict contact the Conservation Officer Service: 1.877.952.7277 BRITISH COLUMBIA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION The BC Conservation Foundation is a ...
Raccoon, Vancouver Island, British Columbia| Gohiking
Raccoon, Vancouver Island, BC, Photo By Russ Porter. The home range is the area used by an animal for food, water & shelter in its normal, day-to-day life. In rural agricultural areas of Vancouver Island, home ranges between 1 – 4 sq km are common. In open forests, raccoons have used areas as large as 25 sq km.