150 Indispensable Catholic Hymns? - MusicaSacra
Indeed, if all the Latin hymns were to be removed from the list, perhaps a majority of the remaining English-language hymns were not even written by Catholics. I do not bemoan this, …
Criteria for Choosing Hymns for Mass - MusicaSacra
4. As far as liturgical action hymns, Eucharistic hymns are suitable as a last resort for any part of the Mass. 5. Finally, hymns can be programmed like bidding prayers based on events of …
What follows is an untenable claim: Hymns should not be sung at …
In catholic music hymns have been reserved for special purposes at special times, instead of being an integral part of the Mass. Hymns are part of the Hours where they, like protestant …
Where or how to listen to liturgical hymns
I am a cradle Catholic and I absolutely love listening to hymns sung during mass (Jesus my Lord, my God, my All, I am the Bread of Life, etc). To my delight some of them were written by …
Protestant music in your Catholic Liturgy - MusicaSacra
There is a body of Catholic hymns penned by the likes of Sr. Mary Angina of the Sacred Heart, and Sr. Mary Dumbo of Elephantine - great Catholic composers of the 20th century. I'm afraid …
Recessional hymns - MusicaSacra Church Music Forum
For the chant Mass, almost nobody applauds because it just doesn't feel so appropriate to do it after a traditional hymn. The Pastor had a bit of humor about this when he introduced the St …
In most Catholic parishes, a sung Mass will typically have hymns accompanying the Entrance, Offertory and Communion. This is quite understandable; there are many reasons why a hymn …
Hymns for All Souls? - MusicaSacra Church Music Forum
Is part of the problem that in our funerals we canonize the deceased, and so we don't have a good set of hymns imploring prayers for the deceased. What about a litany? You could take …
Misconceptions - Hymns for Offertory and Communion
The offertory is the place for communion hymns, moving from the Word to the Eucharist. That's probably why historically there are so few, if any, Catholic offertory hymns. STTL indicates that …
Comparison of Hymnals: St. Michael, Vatican II, Worship
However, the "ethos" of Catholic worship seems lacking. In other words, the emphasis is almost entirely on hymns. For the Catholic Mass, the emphasis should be on the Mass itself: …