Should You Take Diuretics for Weight Loss? Here’s What
2024年1月9日 · Diuretics (sometimes called “water pills”) have long been used by people hoping to lose a few pounds, but are they truly an effective supplement for weight loss? With the rise in popularity of weight-loss drugs, many people are trying over-the-counter diet pills, like diuretics.
Take A Hard Pass On Water Pills If You’re Trying To Lose Weight
2018年7月9日 · Should you pop a few OTC water pills to help you ditch the bloat and feel normal again? Will that even work (and is it actually safe)? Here’s what you need to know.
Can You Lose Weight Taking Water Pills? - livestrong
You can lose weight with water pills, but the weight loss only lasts until your next drink. Plus, these types of pills may not be good for your health. When it comes to weight loss, you're better off sticking with what works -- a reduced-calorie diet and planned exercise.
Water Pills: Benefits, Side Effects, What Conditions They Treat
2024年5月17日 · Can water pills help with de-bloating and weight loss? Water pills can sometimes temporarily reduce bloating and weight when caused by fluid retention, Dr. Shere says.
The Truth About Water Pills and Weight Loss
2015年12月22日 · Myth: Taking water pills for weight loss is completely safe. Fact: Whether they’re prescription or the kind you buy at the drug store, water pills are not explicitly safe. And taking them without the guidance and supervision of your physician can dangerously alter your body chemistry.
Here’s Why Diuretics - or ‘Water Pills’ – Should Not Be Taken for ...
2024年7月16日 · Diuretics, also called “water pills,” help the body get rid of excess salt and water. They cause the kidneys to make more urine and help control blood pressure. They are often used with other medications.
Water Pills for Weight Loss: Should You Take Them?
2023年5月3日 · We’ve got the scoop on water pills for weight loss, what they do, how much, and how fast you can lose weight with them. What if you could replace those water pills with herbs that help you lose excess water?
Should you take water pills for weight loss? - Sharecare
2022年3月4日 · You’ve probably heard claims that water pills can work wonders for weight loss. But the fact is, water pills were never designed to help people lose weight. So, what are they for? Here are your top questions about water pills, including how to take them safely and whether they may be right for you. What are water pills?
The truth about water pills and weight loss - Sharecare
2024年7月26日 · People may be tempted to use diuretics to shed water weight and thereby lose a few pounds fast. But is using a diuretic to lose weight a good idea? Here are some of the top myths about water pills and the facts you need to know to use them safely and responsibly.
The Truth About Water Pills For Weight Loss - HealthMatch
2022年3月12日 · This article looks at what water pills are, how water pills can affect your weight, and whether water pills are safe to take for weight loss.